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Aria from music theatre show DEVILS (VELNI) (2024),
for solo soprano and ensemble

...the newly created operatic works are truly successful, -


Concerto for double bass and orchestra (2023)

"It is simply a heroic achievement to write for this beautiful instrument. The whole range, very good, rich use of the instrument, but above all – wonderfully beautiful music. How much we miss beauty in the world... Beauty, that is all around us, we pass it by, but now we came here and were with it - a wonderful opus" –
composer Pēteris Vasks

"...there’s something of [Wagner’s] Tristan, something of one of Mahler's resurrection symphonies, but at the same time… absolutely modern" -
Latvijas Radio Klasika


Choir symphony for mixed choir, percussion and organ (2022)

"...Raivis Misjuns had much to say in his new work - the introverted and sophisticated character of the music, with a few oriental-antique touches, conveyed unquestionable qualities in the context of the work" -


"Through the haze [...], Raivis Misjuns music reveals echoes of ancient medieval, two-part organum punctum contra punctum, oriental folk music techniques and contemporary textures with overflowing fields of sound" - Kultūras Diena

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